Tuesday, March 1, 2011

vul·ner·a·ble /ˈvʌlnərəbəl/

[vuhl-ner-uh-buhl] –adjective
1. capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon: a vulnerable part of the body.
2. open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.: an argument vulnerable to refutation; He is vulnerable to bribery.
3. (of a place) open to assault; difficult to defend: a vulnerable bridge

Most people experience their first heartache at the age of 16. I was 4. Yep. Somehow as child I never got the "boys have COOTIES memo" and I proceeded to chase all the boys around the playground with my long red pony tail swinging in the wind trying to kiss them. Yes, I was a feisty firecracker even back then. At 4 I didn’t understand what being "vulnerable"  meant- I just knew what I wanted so I went after it. Although little Mikey may have broke my heart on the playground 24 years ago, luckily I was a smart little girl and I saved all the pieces. I had a feeling they just might come in handy again someday.

From an early age we were taught to be safe. We looked both ways before crossing the street. We sat back as our parents tightly buckled our seatbelts. Sure maybe we burned a finger or two because we just HAD to touch the hot stove "just to see if it was hot".  Our knees may have had a few bruises and scrapes because we ignored the “SLOW DOWN you are going to get hurt" advice from our parents as we ran all through the house bumping into table corners and bed posts . Some of us gave our parents a scare more than others. Maybe some of you touched hot stoves so much as a child your emotional scars carry into adulthood. I still support you as you heal your childhood wounds- whatever it takes man, whatever it takes...

As adults, we continue to see signs everyday that warns us. DANGEROUS OVERLOOK.  KEEP BACK. SLOW DOWN. CAUTION ICY BRIDGE. WARNING OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR.  BEWARE OF DEER. ( Ok maybe that’s just where I'm from but you get the idea)

But I wonder if somehow we've programmed our brains to be so cautious, that we are missing out on the "vulnerablity" of our life purpose? Now, please don't get it twisted. I'm not telling you to speed on icy bridges or light matches near gasoline. I am not telling you to be vulnerable to sin and temptation. But I challenge you to be vulnerable in life, because it is really the only way we can truly live and find our calling.

Sure it's hard to put yourself out there and shout THIS IS ME WORLD TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME! When you put yourself out there other humans will hurt you. I'm sure another Marine will come along and break my heart someday. I may say the wrong thing at the wrong time in a meeting. I can almost guarantee I'll fall down another flight of stairs ( I always seem to fall in front of large crowds too- baseball stadiums, silent military ceremonies, festivals, fire drills, I can keep going but hopefully I've painted an accurate picture for you). But should I never attend another large event for the fear of falling?  People may not believe in my ideas and quarrels my come up with ones I love. Should I remain silent when I see injustice? People may criticize me and talk about me behind my back. Should I be careful to not "rock the boat" just to be "popular"?

Being vulnerable to life, is more than being vulnerable in human relationships. It is about letting your fear of the unknown go and trusting in God. God put us here for a reason. We have a responsibility to be vulnerable and open to whatever that may be.

Look. I know this isn't easy. I've put myself out there so many times. People call me crazy sometimes (ok a lot) because they don't understand my actions. Of course life would be smoother for me if I could make them understand that everything I do has a rhyme or reason. There really is a method to my madness. I used to grasp for straws in panic to stay afloat, now I calmly TRUST GOD as I continue on my journey. I realize now that it is HIS everlasting approval I should seek, not the up and down trends of everyone else.

"The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion." Proverbs 28:1:

To those of you who may fear vulnerability- I'll say it again- TRUST GOD! He knows what he is doing. Pray to him for the wisdom to be vulnerable to him, knowing you can put all your faith in him. I promise he will keep you safe AND heal your heart too... if you give him all the pieces. I gave him my heart again recently, and it looked like this, but he still accepted it, and healed it.

God wants to heal your heart too. All you have to do is be vulnerable and ask.

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